In House Corned Beef- Pre Order Now!


Looking To Try DRL Beef?

Our store location is now open!

105 W University Way in Ellensburg WA.

Tuesday-Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-4pm
Sunday: 10am-2pm

You can also find us at a few local shops, restaurants and more!

          Merchant Logo           Cascade Mountain Grilling
Kittitas Café: 301 Main St, Kittitas, WA
A great spot to stop for breakfast or lunch! Look for a Double Rafter Beef special on the menu!
Julep Kitchen & Bar: 429 N Main St, Ellensburg, WA
The perfect spot for date night! Try out the Double Rafter Burger or Pot Roast!
Cascade Mountain Grilling:
Homemade delicious weekly dinners you can pick up. Check out Facebook for Double Rafter special weeks with beef plate ribs, top round steaks and more!
Image with no description The Early Bird 
Enchantment Brewing: 416 S Main St, Ellensburg, WA 
 Open all week! Delicious tacos and salads made with DRL beef, paired with a brew or cocktail. Stop by for dinner, or drinks, the kids are welcome! 
The Early Bird:  412 N Main St, Ellensburg, WA
A local favorite! Serving up some the best breakfast and lunch in town! Everything from sweet and savory waffles to breakfast burgers and grilled cheese! 
 McIlrath Family Farms: 10 Old Naches Hwy, Yakima, WA
 A farm market and fruit stand offering fresh produce, seasonal flowers and other products grown in the Yakima valley and central Washington. Also offering produce box subscriptions available for pickup, or delivery to the Yakima area!
Daily Bread
Daily Bread and Mercantile: 306 S Main St #2, Ellensburg, WA
Grabbing lunch? Might as well grab a steak for dinner! Check out the freezer for lots of options like ground beef, roasts, steaks and more! Can't decide? Grab an order sheet from the counter to get a pickup/delivery set up.

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2023 Holiday Menu

🍽Check out our pre-made options to make this busy season just a little easier for you and your guests 🎄


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