Double Rafter Livestock is a family owned & run cattle ranch located in Ellensburg Washington. Jimmy and Casi Watterson, with the help of family and some local cowboys on occasion, run cattle on their land and pastures within Kittitas Valley where their cattle readily graze the thick and thriving grass. With the help of healthy grass and the finish of high quality grain, their cattle are full of what you want from beef including protein, good fats (Omega 3’s and CLA), antioxidant vitamins and minerals. Double Rafter Livestock sells their superior quality beef that gives you the health benefits in a flavorful tender beef.


This wonderful family adventure started in 1951 when Bud & Arlene McNeil purchased a small place on Look Road, where they grew their cow herd, real estate holdings, and family. The McNeil Ranch had many stories and memories built over the years until Bud passed in 1983. Arlene was fortunate to have the world’s best side kick, her daughter Gena McNeil. The two of them, with the help of friends along the way, continued their successful adventure. The McNeil family’s story carried on after Arlene’s passing as her daughter Gena McNeil continued the legacy that they had built over the years. With Gena’s heart for family, she offered her son Jimmy, & his wife Casi a once in a lifetime opportunity. The Watterson’s purchased what is now known as Double Rafter Livestock in 2015. So here we are by the grace of God 70 years later, pursuing what the McNeil’s had originally started growing our cow herd, real estate holdings, and family. 

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