In House Corned Beef- Pre Order Now!

Flanken Kalbi Ribs- 1 lb.
Flanken Kalbi Ribs- 1 lb.
Load image into Gallery viewer, Flanken Kalbi Ribs- 1 lb.
Load image into Gallery viewer, Flanken Kalbi Ribs- 1 lb.

Flanken Kalbi Ribs- 1 lb.

Regular price $10.99 Sale price $16.99

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These beef short ribs are cut through—rather than parallel to—the rib bones into long, thin pieces. The thinness and large surface area of LA-style ribs make it a great cut for marinating, and quick, direct-heat grilling. Kalbi, a Korean-American dish are ribs marinated in a sweet, salty, umami, and tenderizing marinade before they’re grilled.

1 lb/ pack

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