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Sambal Cheddar

Sambal Cheddar

Regular price $12.50

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only 3 left in stock

Our fan favorite spicy Sambal Cheddar is back! We've been waiting to get our hands on this fiery Indonesian pepper relish to mix into the curds of our creamy, raw milk cheddar. The result is a rich cheese marbled with bright chilies–savory, sharp and totally addictive. Sambal (saam-baal) is an Indonesian pepper relish that originated in the 16th Century. Made simply from fresh chilies, vinegar, and salt, we love this spicy, fruity heat draped over roasted potatoes, atop a burger with a slice of juicy heirloom tomato, or melted in a grilled cheese with a crispy, lacy cheese "skirt". Pair with a hazy IPA, dry riesling, or a tropical cocktail to balance the heat.
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