In House Corned Beef- Pre Order Now!

1/8 BEEF SHARE -100% Grass-Fed
1/8 BEEF SHARE -100% Grass-Fed
1/8 BEEF SHARE -100% Grass-Fed
Load image into Gallery viewer, 1/8 BEEF SHARE -100% Grass-Fed
Load image into Gallery viewer, 1/8 BEEF SHARE -100% Grass-Fed
Load image into Gallery viewer, 1/8 BEEF SHARE -100% Grass-Fed

1/8 BEEF SHARE -100% Grass-Fed

Regular price $597.69 Sale price $612.69

Unit price per 

only -5 left in stock

This 55 lb box includes 

- 3 Beef Roasts

- 11 Steaks (assortment of Rib-eye, New York, Tenderloin, Top Sirloin , and Flank)

- 1 package Stew Meat

- 1 package Short Ribs

- 30 lbs of Ground Beef ( 1 lb packages)

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